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Year 4

Meet the Year 4 team

Welcome to Year 4!


We are so excited to welcome you back to the new term and for another year of fun, learning and new experiences. 


PE Days:

Our PE days in Summer 2 are Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days. PE kit is navy shorts, their house team coloured t-shirt and trainers. They may bring in a navy hoodie and jogging bottoms when the weather gets cooler. 




This is given out each Monday and returned the following Monday. Children should be taking responsibility for their red folder. Each Monday they will receive two homework sheets. One will be their reading log and writing task and the other will be a sheet to practice their handwriting on.



  • 10 new spellings to learn each week which will be tested on a Friday to track progress.
  • Reading 5x per week and these will be recorded for your child to earn their stars.
  • Doodle Maths- 40 stars per week.
  • Writing task- This is new this year and your child should complete one task per week linked to our beautiful text.
  • Times Table Rockstars- this is a fantastic way to support your child in learning the times tables up to 12 x 12. 


Please do email if you have any queries, however please contact the office for any immediate concerns.


Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 4 Team 
