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After School Club

Please contact the office/look on ParentMail for up to date sports/crafts clubs and activities happening at Muscliff for your children. 

After School Club



A registration fee of £10 per annum will apply to each child for each club (A form will be made available to download soon for registration which can then be given to the office).


Each Session will cost £9 and MUST be paid for one week in advance.  A session is from 3.15 until 5.55pm at the latest. If a child is unable to attend due to illness/absence and the session has been paid for, a credit will be carried forward. Refunds will not be given unless there are exceptional circumstances and the decision of the School Business Manager will be final. Cancellations must be made before 12pm or you will still be charged for the session.The charges are subject to change at anytime subject to the Governors sanction.


Should a cheque received for payment be returned unpaid, cash will need to be brought to the school office in place of the unpaid cheque within 3 days. No further cheques will be accepted in the future.


The school reserves the right to exclude a child if fees are not paid.


If you are more than 15 minutes late in collecting your child after the club closes at 6pm, there will be a payment of £5 charged to you. Please make sure the contact number we have for you is correct and always have mobiles turned on in case the club needs to contact you.


Aims & Objectives


The After School club will employ staff members who are suitably trained and committed to the safety and welfare of the children

  • To meet the required adult:child ratios
  • To undertake ongoing staff training where appropriate
  • To organise space and resources to meet the children’s needs effectively
  • To meet children’s individual needs and promote their welfare
  • To provide activities and play opportunities to develop children’s emotional, physical, social and intellectual capabilities
  • To ensure the premises are safe, secure and suitable for their purpose with proper precautions taken to prevent accidents
  • To provide adequate space which is welcoming to the children
  • To provide appropriate equipment, in suitable design and condition, which creates a safe and stimulating environment and conforms to safety standards
  • To take appropriate measures towards promoting hygiene and limit the spread of germs
  • To promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children
  • To be aware of any special/additional needs some children may have and ensure that appropriate provision is made for any individuals
  • To manage behaviour appropriately, in a way which promotes children’s welfare and development
  • To work in partnership with parents to meet the needs of children both individually and as a group. Develop good communication and share information.
  • To comply with local child protection procedures approved by the Area Child protection Committee and ensure that all adults employed to work at the clubs are able to put the procedures into practice
  • To support working parents by providing after school childcare from 3.15pm to 6pm- Children from other schools maybe permitted to attend the club subject to the Governors approval and on a case by case basis
  • To offer the children a light snack at the end of the school day in a safe and friendly environment


We comply with the 14 national standards and are committed to providing good quality day care where the children feel happy, safe and secure. We aim to provide a range of interesting and enjoyable activities appropriate to the ages of our children, also promoting social interaction and respect between them.


Muscliff Primary School Policy for Out of School Care


Standard 1 Suitable Person


All staff members involved in providing day care, looking after children or having unsupervised access to them are suitable to do so. All staff have the appropriate experience, skills and ability and are suitable, both mentally and physically to do their jobs. It is the school’s policy to complete CRB checks on all staff members and not employ any individual who has been convicted of an offence or been the subject of an order which disqualifies them from registration under regulations made under schedule 9A of the Children Act 1989. No staff members are left alone with children until they have been vetted.


Standard 2 Organisation


Staff are deployed effectively within the premises to ensure the safety, welfare and development of the children. The size of the group of children never exceeds 26. At least half of the staff have an appropriate qualification for the care or development of children.

All staff receive induction training which includes health and safety and child protection policies and procedures.

The continuing training needs of staff are met, e.g. first aid courses, health and safety.

Individual records are kept on the premises containing the name and address of staff members and details of any appropriate qualifications. Records are also kept regarding which staff members have first aid qualifications.

There is always a minimum of 2 adults on duty and this also satisfies the minimum staffing ratio of 1:8 for children under 8.

It is the school’s policy that if a staff member has to be absent, they will inform the deputy manager who will arrange for their duty to be covered by another staff member.

Contingency arrangements are in place to cover emergencies – see ‘Policies’.

The children are registered every day and hours of attendance are shown on the register. The names, addresses, phone numbers and DOBs of all the children are kept in a file in the school office.


Standard 3 Care Learning and Play


It is our policy that children are encouraged to be confident, independent and to develop their self esteem.

The children have access to a range of activities and play opportunities with resources which are appropriate to the ages and interests of the children attending.

Staff listen to the children and value what they say. The children are encouraged to respect and value each other, playing and interacting in a cooperative way.


Standard 4 Physical Environment


It is our policy to make sure the premises are in a suitable state and are as welcoming and friendly as possible to children and parents.

When the weather is fine, the whole group may go out into the playground to play with the sports equipment or sit quietly in the shade at one of the tables.



Standard 5 Equipment


We aim to provide sufficient, suitable equipment and materials to provide stimulating activities and play opportunities for the children. These are appropriate for their ages and individual development needs. We try to ensure that all our equipment is stored safely and kept in good repair.


Standard 6 Safety


Health and Safety regulations are adhered to and all staff are trained to have an understanding of them.

A risk assessment of the premises has been completed and approved by governors. This is regularly reviewed and updated where necessary.

The children are not able to leave the premises unsupervised and all adults collecting children have to be let in by a staff member.

Children are supervised at all times and we have a policy which is used in the event of a child being lost or not collected.

We have a clearly defined procedure for emergency evacuation of the building which includes any special measures to be taken where children are located above or below ground level. Fire drills are carried out periodically.

We have public liability insurance for the provision.


Standard 7 Health


It is our policy that staff practice good hygiene in order to prevent the spread of infection and children are taught good hygiene practices such as washing hands after going to the toilet and before eating. Staff wash their hands before giving the children a biscuit.

We have a policy regarding the administration of medication.

There are several first aid kits, stored safely over the sink at the back of the school office area. They have appropriate contents that are checked frequently and replaced as necessary.

At least one staff member with a current first aid training certificate is on the premises at any one time. The first aid qualification includes training in first aid for infants and young children.

Parents sign a permission slip regarding any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment in the future.

There is a no smoking policy.


Standard 8 Food & Drink


A light snack & drink is provided to the children in accordance with Healthy Schools Guidelines.


Standard 9 Equal Opportunities


The school has an Equal Opportunities policy which is regularly reviewed, usually every 2 years. School records contain information which enables appropriate care to be given. Senior Management promote equal opportunities and all staff implement the policy.

At Muscliff Primary, all children and adults are treated with equal concern and everyone has regard to relevant anti-discriminatory good practice. The Out of School Care clubs promote equal access to the resources, activities and facilities available.


Standard 10 Special Needs (including special educational needs and disabilities)


At Muscliff Primary, all school policies have written statements specifically regarding children with special or additional needs. The school also has a specific Special Needs policy which is consistent with current legislation and guidance and is available to parents.

Children with special or additional needs are welcomed appropriately and equal access is given to any facilities, activities and play opportunities.

The physical environment is suitable for able bodied children but we would need to reconsider reviewing provision for any children with physical disabilities, should they wish to attend. We would liaise with parents regarding any special equipment needed in this instance. The school does have a wheelchair lift for the main stairs.


Standard 11 Behaviour

The school has a written policy for Behaviour Management and a written policy for Anti-bullying. The policies state the methods used for managing children’s behaviour. This is understood and followed by all staff and discussed with parents and children. Staff watch for any instances of bullying and, in the school as at the clubs, children are encouraged to report any incidents.

Staff working at the Out of School Care clubs follow school policy regarding behaviour and create an environment that consistently encourages good behaviour, respecting individual children’s levels of understanding and maturity.

Physical punishments, or the threat of them, are not used.

Adults do not use any form of physical intervention, e.g. holding, unless it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children, an adult or serious damage to property. Any incident would be recorded and the parent informed as soon as possible.


Standard 12 Working in Partnership with Parents


Information is given to parents which includes:

  • Basic written information about the setting, hours, contact information, staffing, routines;
  • Details of policies and procedures available to parents;
  • A written complaints procedure which includes the address and telephone number of the regulator;
  • Information about activities provided for children.


All staff have an open and friendly approach and parents are able to talk to the staff whenever convenient to them. Their views and concerns are respected and acknowledged. A record of all complaints is maintained.

Staff are aware of the need to maintain privacy and confidentiality.

Arrangements are made with parents about the arrival and departure of children to and from the school, including making sure that children are collected by the right person. Children are only released to individuals named by the parent.

If a child is identified as a child in need (section 17 of the Children act) the school, usually with the parent’s permission, gives appropriate information to referring agencies.



Standard 13 Child Protection


At Muscliff Primary, the protection of our children is our first priority. The school has a written policy regarding Child Protection based on the DfES publication ‘Protecting Children from Abuse’. The policy clearly states staff responsibilities regarding the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect within the school. The school Child protection Coordinator then acts in accordance with the Area Child Protection Committee procedures. These procedures are shared with parents.

Staff are aware of possible signs and symptoms of children at risk.


Standard 14 Documentation


Records relating to individual children are retained for a reasonable period of time after the children have left the provision.

The early years child care inspector will be informed at the earliest opportunity of:

  • Any changes in members of staff
  • Any significant changes to the premises
  • Allegations of abuse by a member of staff or volunteer, or any abuse which is alleged to have taken place on the premises
  • Any other significant events


