Our aim at Muscliff Primary School is to inspire a lifelong curiosity and fascination about our world and our role in sustaining it.
We believe that our curriculum promotes engaging and quality Geography aiming to provide our children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world so that they can become global citizens. Our curriculum promotes geographical enquiry and engagement with the local environment to ensure that children learn through first-hand experiences of the world around them.
Living on the doorstep of the Jurassic Coast and New Forest National Park, offers valuable fieldwork and project opportunities so that our children develop an understanding of the natural and physical world around them.
The Geography curriculum at Muscliff Primary School has been designed to cover the four main strands: Locational Knowledge; Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography; Geographical Skills and Fieldwork. The National Curriculum states that ‘as pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.’ Our curriculum provides equal opportunities for children to learn and then apply their geographical knowledge.
Each year group uses their carefully constructed map of progression to successfully plan quality lessons that ensure new learning is built upon existing learning and links are made between topics across the year, between subjects (e.g. geography and science) and between year groups. Topics are informed by the National Curriculum, themes to support our ‘beautiful’ texts and the diversity of our local area.
Progression Maps
Year 5 Using maps and aerial imagery

Year 3 Using four-figure grid references