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Muscliff Primary School

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Curriculum Intent

Our aim is that through the teaching of history, we stimulate discussion, inspire interests and encourage children to ask thought-provoking and meaningful questions about the past. Topics are informed by the national curriculum, themes to support our ‘beautiful’ texts and the rich history of our local area: we make use of the immediate and wider area of Dorset and Hampshire, enabling children to develop a broad understanding of the changes that have taken place.


The history curriculum here at Muscliff is carefully structured to ensure that new learning is built upon existing learning, and links are made between topics across the year, between subjects (e.g. geography and history) and between year groups (e.g. aspects of local history studies by multiple year groups). Key themes and skills (such as chronological ordering, evaluating sources and artefacts, exploring the life of key historical figures, and comparing historical cultures to modern day UK culture) run throughout the curriculum to support a deeper understanding of events that have impacted on life today.


We believe that teaching history in this way is important in broadening our children’s perceptions, challenging preconceived ideas, and developing life skills to prepare them for the future and its challenges. Our curriculum provides children with opportunities to ask questions, think critically and develop opinions on perspectives of people that lived and worked in the past.
