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Muscliff Primary School

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Contact Details

Muscliff Primary School has an open door policy.

If you have any questions, concerns, or worries please talk to your child’s class Teacher or Teaching Assistant. Alternatively, there is always a member of the Senior Leadership Team available:


Mrs Sarah Fenby - Head teacher

Mrs Emma Huns - Deputy Head teacher

Mrs Becca Lewis & Mr Lucian Andrews - Assistant Head teachers


Year leaders from Sept 24 are:

Reception: Mrs Louise Vann

Year 1: Miss Emma Welsh

Year 2: Mr Lucian Andrews

Year 3: Mrs Laura Frampton and Mrs Katie Conroy

Year 4: Mrs Laura Frampton and Mrs Katie Conroy

Year 5: Miss Denise Pipe

Year 6: Mr Ross Deans



Chair of Governors : Mrs Jo Cartwright and Mr David Banks - can be contacted via the Governance Professional (Clerk), Miss Charlotte Blanch,


SENCo : Mrs Becca Lewis who can be contacted via


For other queries phone the school office and speak to one of our friendly office staff:

Paula Harvey, School Business Manager, Sue Froom, Amy Sharp, Lisa Cooper and Kristina O'Leary who will be happy to help.


Muscliff Primary School
Broadway Lane
School opening and closing times
School opens from 8.30am to 3.15pm (3.10pm for Reception children)
Morning registration 8.45am
Total time open 40 hours (open to parents and general public before and after school by appointment)
School gates close at 8.15am and reopen at 9am. They close at 2.45pm and reopen at 3.30pm.
Breakfast Club 7.30am to 8.30am
After School Club 3.15pm to 5.55pm 
Mobile number for After School Club 07521 316593


Telephone: 01202 549654

